Category: Celebrations

Cel-e-brate good times, c’mon ! Perry Como

Season’s Bounties

On the road to Stone Lake
and its annual Cranberry Festival

Leaves turning

Ancient ruins

Farms a-cropping

Cornstalks a-shimmying

 Scenery a-whizzing

Steve a-drivin’

Barb a-storytellin’

Breakfast a-stoppin’

Horses a-cloppin’

Berries a-poppin’

Steve a-shoppin’

Pooches a-boppin’

Pumpkins a-whopping


Barb a-hmmm’ing


Rocks a-teetering



Strangers a-gazing



*     *     *

 Before the first snow,
an emergency plumbing job
interrupts Mr. Rooter’s weekend.

with kids in tow

“Wingardium Leviosa!”


Secretly impressed sibling

Tackled on the one yard line

Dad’s “If I’d-have-known-it-was-rebar-reinforced concrete” moment. . .

*     *     *

The Delight and Freakiness
of Snowless Days



*     *     *

Lunching at Minnehaha

Surveying the Falls

Stopping at Bridgeman’s
for toasted almond chocolate chip

Marching back along the Parkway

*     *     *

Dog Park


Giddy gallumphing


Jingles’ unseemly pursuit of object of affection




 Missing the fun and action
cause sometimes size does matter


*    *    *


Bonfire Night
The Tale of a Near Torched Tail



Pyromaniac on the right



 Permit-approved Yule log


Shortly before swishy tail alights


Recipient of a shibba-shibba-shirrup,
Tail smothered, crisis averted.

*    *    *


Spotting crazies on the barely frozen lake



*     *     *



Spatially-uninhibited visitor


 A brief visit from Winter


When snow was afoot

And snowbunnies abounded


Welcoming holiday visitors


 *     *     *


Bonfire Night Sunset



*    *    *

Meanwhile, Sari and Josh’s
undercover Pet-Cam coughs up
a shocking little secret


Tobie indulging in el Cubano


Love, peace, and a Happy New Year